Hello dear friends! You must be wondering why Scarlett is now talking about governments. Well, I have read some comments from American people some of them are friends who worry about the American government, their politics, and the way their government rules their country, please allow me to share again my experience and point of view as a Mexican citizen living right now a situation that I can call, injustice.

I will dare to say that living in Mexico and having the opportunity to know for a while the lifestyle you can have in the USA or England for example, I can see what some of you cannot about what you already have, and this doesn’t mean that cannot be better!
There is a quote that says: nobody knows what they have until they have lost it.
Then we must keep in mind that what makes a country what the country is, is certainly not the governing or not completely but the country´s people.
Evaluating the Governments of the USA and Mexico Strengths and Weaknesses. Introduction
The governments of the United States and Mexico are as diverse and complex as the societies they govern. From their political structures to their approaches to governance, each country faces unique challenges and opportunities. In this article, we will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of both governments, considering factors such as stability, efficiency, transparency, responsiveness to citizens' needs, respect for human rights, and ability to address societal issues, from the perspective of a citizen.
United States: The United States boasts a long history of political stability, with a strong democratic tradition and a peaceful transition of power. The resilience of its institutions, including the Constitution and the rule of law, contributes to its stability. Citizens play an important role when they are involved and well-informed. They look for a common benefit, America.
Mexico: Mexico has experienced long periods of political instability, often stemming from issues such as corruption, organized crime, and social unrest. While strides have been made for years to strengthen democratic institutions, challenges remain in ensuring long-term stability.
United States: The U.S. government operates a vast bureaucracy, which can sometimes lead to inefficiencies and bureaucratic red tape. However, its system of checks and balances helps prevent the concentration of power and ensures accountability.
Mexico: Mexico's government has been criticized for its bureaucracy and inefficiency, which can hinder effective governance and public service delivery. Streamlining administrative processes and reducing corruption are ongoing challenges.
Let's make a parenthesis here, I have been the victim of crime several times perpetuated by governmental institutions or better said, people working for those institutions, besides criminals that in Mexico can be your neighbors or somebody in the street that requires something from you against your will. And all of them remain unpunished due to the processes of governmental institutions that say those do not proceed. Those are against the law, but they are not at the same time. Are you still with me? This doesn’t mean that the USA has not organized crime, but law execution is what makes the difference between these two countries.
Allow me to share another story. Here we go…
I got some good sales that day around 40,000.00 pesos (3000 USD at that time) plus 1000 USD in cash I was carrying with me as I didn’t have time to make the deposit. Was around 1300 hours, a beautiful sunny Saturday, and people all around, I decided to go to the ATM only to review my balance account. Before getting inside I noticed a young man far away crossing the street, then a happy couple just leaving the ATM. I got inside and in a matter of seconds even before taking my debit card out of my wallet, this man, yes, the one I saw a few minutes ago, was behind me, maybe more than 1.6 feet tall, I am petite. He put one arm around my neck, took my feet off the floor, and punched me in the face with his fist. I was using brackets, those antiques made of metal. I could barely breathe, then I didn’t notice at that moment, it was many hours later that he had used a knife to cut me on my right side close to my ribs. Then he took my wallet out of my hand and threw me to the floor where I noticed people around watching and doing nothing. Then miraculously I saw all the money on the floor, I picked it up and zigzagging I saw the direction he took then I got into my car. If you read my blog post, “Master Your Internal World. Leaders Make their Growth Nonnegotiable” you will understand why driving as Schumacher I caught the guy.
I found a patrol on the way, I stopped the car, and I told to the police officer that I was attacked, as he saw me bleeding, he got into my car, and we got the criminal. The next part of the story is the worst. Around six police cars got to the place, and many people were around, I was starting to feel pain in my neck, it was painful for me to talk, the ambulance didn’t give me attention as I had to be seen the way I was for the ministry department, suddenly and miraculously one young man took my arm and said to me Scarlett, how can I help you? He was the owner of a grocery shop I used to visit. Then I felt relief, I gave him my car keys and I told him there was money in there. They put me in the police car and took me to the ministry department where I was treated like a criminal. And the real criminal has casually vanished. I got mad and my alpha inner self took the courage to demand the attention I deserved as an honorable citizen. Well to summarize, the guy never appeared, and he didn’t get the criminal precedents, of course, much less applying the full weight of the law.
I got home late without my daughter´s birthday cake.
United States: The U.S. government has mechanisms in place to promote transparency, such as the Freedom of Information Act and public access to government data. However, there are concerns about the influence of money in politics and the lack of transparency in certain areas, such as national security.
Mexico: Transparency initiatives have gained momentum in Mexico in recent years, with the establishment of institutions like the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information, and Personal Data Protection (INAI). Institutions that could help, however, corruption remains a significant obstacle to transparency and accountability, so we could say that they are empty buildings with the hope of a good purpose.
Responsiveness and Citizen Needs
United States: The U.S. government is responsive to citizens' needs through mechanisms such as elections, public opinion polls, and advocacy groups. However, partisan gridlock in Congress and polarization in society can sometimes impede effective policymaking.
Mexico: Mexican citizens have avenues to voice their concerns through elections and civil society organizations. However, marginalized communities may face barriers to accessing government services and having not only their needs addressed but also their rights.
Respect for Human Rights
United States: The United States has a strong tradition of respect for human rights, enshrined in the Constitution and upheld by an independent judiciary. However, issues such as racial inequality, immigration policies, and the treatment of detainees raise concerns about human rights violations.
Mexico: Mexico in theory has made progress in protecting human rights, including reforms to strengthen legal frameworks and institutions. However, human rights abuses, including violence against journalists and activists, as well as impunity for perpetrators, remain significant challenges.
Another parenthesis, right now I am crossing another overwhelming valley being a victim of corruption, and abuse of power, where my human rights are vanishing once more. Here is briefly the scene; my property is in the process called “land regulation” where are involved institutions and authorities of the government of my state (Mexico State) like IMEVIS (an institution that regulates the land), a federal government institution called the RAN that rule the shareholder of the common land of my delegation, the municipal government institutions like the Public Works department, and a public notary. All of them signed a contract to apply the land regulation but due to their inefficiency, they make administrative mistakes that are causing big troubles to the citizens me included. But going further the corrupted shareholders of common land arbitrarily and using force are taking land from us to favor their people. Again, the worst is coming, there are no authorities to help, knocking on doors that never open or that are closed on your nose. And the lawyers, Jesus, you must be careful. Human rights commission, the government of the state, any request to any institution is denied, treating me like a criminal once more. It sounds like a problem without a solution. I wonder what I will find behind all the investigations I am doing.
I hope to write another blog with good news about this topic, soon! If I am still alive…
Ability to Address Social Issues
United States: The U.S. government has the resources and expertise to address societal issues, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. However, partisan politics and ideological differences often hinder consensus and implementation of effective solutions.
Mexico: Mexico faces complex societal issues, including poverty, inequality, and violence. The government has implemented social programs and reforms to address these challenges inefficiently, then progress has been uneven, and structural issues persist. Some programs are causing the opposite result, giving money for doing nothing only helps to propagate lazy people asking for more, I am ashamed to share that in Mexico people don’t like to work anymore.
Do you think that both the governments of the United States and Mexico have strengths and weaknesses in their approaches to governance?
While the United States benefits from stability, transparency, and respect for human rights, it grapples with issues of efficiency and responsiveness how punished this government should be? On the other side, Mexico has tried addressing societal issues promoting but not executing transparency, and still faces challenges related to stability, corruption, abuse of power, and fake respect for human rights.
By acknowledging these strengths and weaknesses, do you think that both countries can work towards building more effective and inclusive governments that better serve their citizens?
Again, what makes a country what that country is?
I am not a politician and know nothing about governments and law but I must learn if I want to solve this problem and to keep my property.
To be honest, we have nothing about this topic in The School of Your Pass for a Better You which is currently closed for enrollment, but you can enter your information HERE to get on the waitlist and be notified when doors open again if you want to learn about yourself.
However, if you are interested in reading more or listening to Entrepreneurial Life Style, you can visit my Blog “The Alpha Blog”, and my Podcast “Your Pass for a Better You” which is coming soon, I hope so!
Strength and Honor.
See you in the arena…